Monday, February 11

The trailer park boys, the prom curls

When I'm happy I find it harder to write something real. Resisting the urge to write about fluff is hard but important; it's nice every once in a while, but no one gives a fuck unless you're being really freakishly honest with the rest of the world. I've been trying to do that lately. Especially here. Because when the rest of the world is so annoyingly Network-Televisioned, I want people to be able to come here for a breath of fresh air.

I'd like to think that my mind has recently become a gigantic technicolor tumor with teeth. Every thought that I have seems to have some bite to it. I've never been one for feeling average, boring feelings with average, boring people. Lately it seems especially important that everyone I surround myself with is unfailingly brilliant and fascinating in their own way. Cannot be bothered to make small talk (not that I'm ever any good at that). Cannot be bothered to answer any conversation that begins with "hey what's up." Cannot be bothered to waste a single breath or a single thought on anything that I'm not terribly interested in.

(Hanna Renae Scott, feeling feelings since January 2013)

Since all of my weekends are ridiculous lately, I won't write about how ridiculous this particular weekend was. But I WILL post some pictures (bummed I didn't take any at the strip club). Some from last week too, because I forgot to do that. Except...shit, I can't end this post without mentioning that Lily drank moonshine on Friday night. Lillyyyy Gaattiiiiccccaaaaa. Drank moonshine. From a communal bottle.

End, indeed.

I'm leaving you with this song, because I've been listening to it nonstop lately.


If you like what you see, consider following me on Twitter and Instagram or liking Excelsior Lady on Facebook!


  1. Do your blog titles ever have anything to do with the actual posts or are you just trying to get people to read it and by the time they reach the end and Trailer Park Boys and Prom Curls are not even mentioned once it's too late they've already read the whole thing.

    You trickster!

    1. They're just little pieces of my weekends! I watched Trailer Park Boys on Saturday night. And a friend gave me prom curls hahaha. It's more like...the title usually means something to the people that were directly related to something happening in the post :D Or sometimes it's a hint to someone. But I AM a trickster :D

  2. I want to drink moonshine from a communal bottle! Haha.

  3. Moonshine always makes for good times. Also, that food looks fantastic!

    1. I'm the dick that orders a salad at chinese restaurants, but that salad is soooo good. comes with mango and some homemade dressing that makes everything taste like heaven haha

  4. I've never drank moonshine, but I'm intrigued!

    1. muahaha it'll do a number on ya! PS I ended up getting you for that postcard exchange! i'll spill moonshine all over it before i mail it.

  5. SO, I just sort of stumbled on your blog and GOD, what a breath of fresh air. I write a blog that is not always rainbow-and-butterflies but at the same time not a blog that could use the word fuck. As a 21 year old living an annoying quiet life in southwestern Montana, I've loved reading your posts which are much more of the life I thought I'd be living. Hey, 21 is young. But anyway, write on, lady. This is brilliant.

    1. THIS. best comment i've gotten in so long, thank you!! 21 IS young, and i definitely wasn't here when i was 21 either; it took me a while to cultivate this bizarre little life I lead. Montana is beautiful, I've heard ;)
