Tuesday, March 5

The neon boneyard, the Little A'Le'Inn, the bar dancing

Vegas is exhausting, you guys.

We zip lined down Fremont Street, we wandered at 4am, we went back to Hogs & Heifers both nights because it was that much fun, we danced on the bar, we toured the neon boneyard, wedrankandwedrankandwedraaaank, and we drove 2 hours north to Rachel, NV to eat and explore The Little A'Le'Inn, which is an alien themed cafe in the MIDDLE OF FUCKING NOWHERE. And as soon as the clock struck 12, I gave Cindy an awkward birthday serenade at the bar. I also ended up losing my debit card, but no charges were made on it when I went to the bank to replace it. It just disappeared into thin air. IT WAS ALIENS PROBABLY.


There's a South Park episode where they go zip lining, and when Cartman reaches the end the others ask him how it was, and he says, "TOTALLY FUCKIN STUPID, DUDE!" And really, zip lining IS kind of stupid. But I still loved it! The next time I do it I'll remember to not wear booty shorts, cause the straps turned my ass into a weird little shelf.

Neon Boneyard Park is a resting place for vintage Vegas signage. It's an hour tour and is one of the coolest and most colorful things I've seen in a long time. I wish it wasn't an actual tour, though. I'd much rather just walk around for an hour, taking pictures of whatever I want, than learning about the history of each sign and not being allowed to wander. I doon't caare about Vegas sign history. I care very deeply about visuals!

If you ever find yourself wanting to dance on the bar in a really divey place, may I suggest Down In Mexico by The Coasters? ;)

I thought I grew up in the middle of nowhere (I did). But Rachel, Nevada is on a different level. No gas stations for hours. No homes for hours. No grocery store for hours. The only other thing within 100 miles is Area 51. It's literally this bizarre little cafe, a tiny trailer park behind it (everyone there eats at this cafe), and Area 51. That's it. Everyone stared at us when we pulled into the parking lot. It attracts a good amount of alien conspiracy theorists, naturally, and it was fun to eavesdrop. Cindy bought alien finger puppets.

At one point on the drive there was a huge water tank on top of a mountain that had "Home Of The Panthers" printed on it, and we turned to each other with the same thought: That's where they keep ALL of the panthers. It's been making me laugh since, because we talked about hearing a faint growling sound as you approach it, and when you lift up the top there would just be a million panthers staring at you. Things that are only funny to us...

By the time we got back into LA I was wayyyy overtired and everything was hilarious to me. The thought of Cindy's phone autocorrecting "nooo" to "moo" made me laugh SO HARD.

(Why be negative when you can be cow?)

I'm so glad I held off on going to Vegas until now. I know that anyone else I could've gone with would've just ate, gambled, and drank on the strip...and that is just too boring for me. This trip was sooo interesting!

This was a poorly written blog and I'm pretty sorry about that. Huuuuge contrast from my last post. PICTURES!

Photo Locations:
Excalibur Hotel, Neon Boneyard Park, Extraterrestrial Highway, Little A'Le'Inn - all are in Nevada

I'll be putting the large versions of all of these (and a lot more, probably, since I have about 200 photos from the trip) on this blog's Facebook page after work!


If you like what you see, consider following me on Twitter and Instagram!


  1. Oh man, the Little A'Le'Inn looks so cool. I'm hoping to go to Vegas this summer (boyfriend has never been there) and I think we're going to have to add that to the agenda. I love driving through the desert, so that's a bonus.

    1. DO IT! You won't regret it. It's a long drive with no options, so make sure you have a full tank of gas and snacks. it's one of the coolest/weirdest things I've ever seen

      Plus, once we finally got there, the food was pretty good haha. I got an omelette :P

  2. Ermagherd, the landscapes! the signs! the singling out of the word "ass" in one such sign! This looks like way too much fun.

    1. The full sign said "Sassy" and it made me laugh real hard. It was just too big to capture in one shot and they wouldn't let us wander around and get a better angle so...I improvised hahaha

  3. Looks like an amazing time! Super jelly, I've got an itch to take a road trip somewhere exciting now.

    1. Scratch the itch, girl. Scratch it.

  4. Beautiful photos! I'm like you, I like to just explore and look at things on my own terms.

  5. You say this is a poorly written blog post.

    This is your Best blog post. <3

    1. stahhhp, you're making me blush :D

      thank you, anon

  6. I hope that's a picture of both of you booty dancing up there.

    1. Booty dancing on the bar. Yyyyyup.

  7. Not going to lie, I am slightly disappointed that there are no photos of the finger puppets!

    1. I got a finger puppet for ya


      i'm sorry

    2. Oh dear Hanna, oh dear.

  8. This sounds (and looks) like one of those periods that will pop into your memory from time to time and flood you with joy-- each and every time up until the day you die. Also, you've a knack for capturing beauty with your camera, and those signs are too amazing.

    1. The signs were so friggen cool. THANKS! I have so much to learn about my camera and I'm really impatient so I'm frustrating myself by not knowing enough about it, but I'm getting there :D

  9. I'm so uber jealous, I have been to Vegas but never got to go to the Neon Boneyard and I am dying too! These pictures are amazing, but it seems just like the kind of vacation you will need a vacation to recover from. Or at least a few naps.

    1. Aw man, if you get the chance to go back you MUST go. it's so worth it.

      I think I'm finally caught up on sleep, but it took a while. I only got about 4 hours each night we were there and I FELT IT.

  10. Stunning photos! I've never had any interest in going to Vegas, but now I'm rethinking it! This sounds like a fantastic trip!

    1. Oh thank you so much, i never had any interest either! I think you just need to go with the right kind of people - really adventurous ones that don't just want to drink/gamble. It was such a great trip.

  11. The neon light grave yard sounds so cool! I didn't know they had that. I LOVE vegas. Tiring but always a good time.

    1. SO tiring haha, It took me a solid week to catch up on sleep, but so worth it. Next time you go to Vegas check the boneyard out for sure, it was soooo cool!

  12. You are right, you and me are so alike. I like love you. You must be a pisces.

    1. Virgo, but those are a lot alike aren't they? I could be wrong because I have no idea about these things lol. That love is RETURNED
